The couple suffering from infertility is often financially and emotionally spent on multiple assisted reproduction attempts, such as IVF. The homeopathic treatment should combine the personalized holistic approach with the gynecological pathology of each specific case of infertility, in order to significantly increase the success rates. NHS curator and specialist in Gynecological Pathology applies Homeopathy to infertility within this context One of the frequent therapeutic applications of Homeopathy is fertility problems without the side effects of conventional drugs. Homeopathic Pharmacology includes many specialized homeopathic medicines for these problems. Clinically and holistically applied Homeopathy, addressed both to the patient and to this very disorder of physiological functions, is one of the most effective methods that help to treat Infertility and prevent the development of problems related to it. Homeopathic treatment experience has shown that a large number of women with Infertility are effectively treated. The homeopathic medicines prescribed address all the factors responsible for infertility in a particular person. The selection of the appropriate homeopathic medicines, which are prescribed, is done after from appropriate taking and analysis of the homeopathic history and the study of the laboratory tests. Dr. Tasos Vartholomeos has long-term clinical experience in Homeopathic treatment for Infertility, harmoniously combining classical holistic therapy with modern medical knowledge. The most important causes of female infertility are the following: hormonal disorders (polycystic ovary syndrome, early menopause, irregular ovulation) Obstruction of the fallopian tubes, usually due to inflammation (tubitis) endometriosis uterine diseases (eg fibroids) cervical problems, such as poor quality cervical mucus Also the relatively advanced age of the woman, immunological causes (presence of antibodies to the fetus - antibodies in the woman's serum) and causes related to lifestyle, such as stress, smoking, alcohol. Homeopathy often has a very positive contribution, given that it addresses the neurophysiological-hormonal-psychodynamic-immunological functions of the body and above all those related to the physiological processes of conception. Of course, the Homeopath should have excellent training, as a Doctor, in Homeopathy approach to the Physiology and Pathology of the mechanisms involved in the process of conception. He should also be familiar with moving in parallel and harmoniously towards the procedures of assisted reproduction, when these are chosen by the couple Infertility is more correct to be investigated in the couple as a whole and not individually in one of the two The effectiveness of Homeopathy is particularly high in the following causes of female infertility: In hormonal disorders (polycystic ovary syndrome, premature menopause, irregular ovulation, etc.) In chronic functional problems of the cervix, such as poor quality cervical mucus, chronic cervicitis, chronic contraction of the cervical opening, etc. At a relatively advanced age of the woman In immunological causes (presence of antibodies) In causes related to lifestyle, such as stress, smoking, alcohol. Homeopathy often has significant results in Infertility, as long as its causes are functional, pathophysiological or psychophysiological, while its participation in diseases with anatomical organ damage can often be significant. Planning for Homeopathic prescribing takes into account: The causes of Infertility according to conventional medical clinical laboratory control The individual history with an emphasis on the functional correlations of infertility with the previous and present pathology of the whole organism to clarify the pathogenic mechanisms The current overall state of health, physical and psychological, of the entire organism Major stressful situations, especially in recent years, from natural or social factors The temperament of the person with infertility Heredity and disease predispositions (e.g. long-term use of drugs, suppression of manifestations of the defense mechanism with an emphasis on the genitourinary system, etc.)